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Welcome to Maryland Road Trips: A Letter From the Publisher

Welcome to Maryland Road Trips: A Letter From the Publisher

War Correspondents Memorial

The idea of getting away has never been on my mind more so than in 2020. We’ve all been cooped up at home long enough, trying to stay safe while our offices continue to call us from just beyond the living room. The weight that is the politics of our country is sometimes too much to bear. And if virtual school wasn’t a headache in the spring, for many that headache will continue into fall and beyond. Honestly, who doesn’t daydream—at least once a day—of having a few days off? 

There has seldom been a more compelling time to travel just for the sake of getting away. But with COVID-19 and the ensuing havoc, where is one to go?

Why not a road trip? Road trips have long been a part of the travel lexicon. The road trip is just as relevant today as it ever was, and Maryland provides a cornucopia of worthy explorations. From mountains to the bay and everything in between, finding some escape is just a car, RV, or motorcycle ride away.

As our team brought to life our vision of what Maryland Road Trips was to be, we reflected on our own experiences with road travel. I have fond memories of piling into the family station wagon, my dad plotting our course using the Rand McNally book of maps, the car games my mom would entertain us with, and of course all the enjoyable places we visited. And when the trip was over, there were pictures of all we experienced to put into an album for flipping through and reminiscing at a later time.

Today’s road trip has all the same ingredients as those in my memory, they just look a little different and are maybe a little easier to realize. Maps can be instantly called up on your phone app to give you turn-by-turn directions, selfies we took can be shared immediately online, and we will be reminded of those memories years from now in our Facebook feeds. However, there wasn’t a resource dedicated solely to Maryland Road Trips — until now. 

Every month we’ll bring you content to inspire your yearning for escape. Maryland has so much to offer that our editorial calendar will never be lacking. We’ll tell you our stories and the lasting impressions of the places we’ve been. We’ll put forth itineraries that you can follow or use as a starting point for your own adventure. And we’ll bring to you tips for how to travel like a pro in Maryland. We’ll give you insider tips on places to stay, where to find the best cocktail, or how to turn a heritage destination into an entertaining lesson plan.

Whether you want to go for a day trip to places you’ve yet to discover in your own community or you want to weave together a week-long trip that traverses the entire state, we hope that you will feel as mobilized as we’ve been over the last few months bringing Maryland Road Trips to fruition. 

There has seldom been a better time to travel just for the sake of getting away. 

– Emily Dorr, publisher of Maryland Road Trips


Lead Photo: Emily Dorr

Maryland Road Trips is a part of Postern Publishing.
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